Tuesday 13 December 2011

examples of Phone adverts for my advert

i picked all of these adverts because i want to make my GCSE advert because i want to make mine about an android phone and these are all android phones and i think this has really gave me an idea about what i want my advert to look like, the phone in big and bold and either behind or to the side a weird design that corresponds with the main feature's of the phone like music or the city for a city person, and it only has a little information at the bottom about the phone and the writing doesn't draw your attention away from the product which in this case is the phone.
If i want to make an effective advert i have to find a quirky background what represents the phone,s main features and obviously a phone and i must only put the main features of the phone on the advert.
I like all of these adverts because the represent the phone really well and they get straight to the point and don't have to much writing on them.

Thursday 8 December 2011


this is my advert on htc sensation xl it is for the age group of 13 to 18 but it would be good for older buisness men because of the fast processer i made this advert for this phone because i think it is really cool.
i think the background is very effective as it shows that the phone is about music the main feature of the phone.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Media print advert questions

1. An advert needs the product on it; corresponding background; writing that goes well with it( but not too much); information about the product and its final details ( e.g. company that produced it) to make it look professional.
2. An advert persuades people that they 'need' it by making it seem as the best thing that has been produced and that they cannot live without the product.

Thursday 10 November 2011

AIDA in adverts

This advert uses AIDA in it to interest the customer. It uses the slogan(even angels will fall) to attract people even though it is an obvious lie and wouldnt happen if you used it. It also uses the purple glow to make it look attracting.
This advert uses AIDA in it. It uses its slogan ( just do it) and changes it to its advantage( Just buy it) which would attract the buyer to get it more. it also includes an image of the product.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

answers to questions

1. The first UK advert on tv was on ITV and was shown on the 21st of september 1955.


2. £250,000 was the record price for adverts in the UK and it was from bgt.
3. USA have more expensive adverts as they spend lots of money on their sport adverts(superbowl).
4. This has a big effect on adverts because people just fast forward through the adverts to get to their show.
5.A practice in which manufacturers of goods or providers of a service gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in movies and television programs.

6. Cigarettes were banned in TV adverts in 2003.
7. guiness was the most expensive advert.
8. The cheapest advert ever made was a papa johns advert as it was a carboard box and a camera used.
9. my favorite adverts on T.V compare the market, go compare, Muller, modern warfare 3 and dairy milk  

Monday 31 October 2011

why should we be bothered about advertising

we should be bothered about advertising because without it we wouldn't know what new products there are on sale and know where to go to buy them

why advertising exist

advertising exist to make the audience that the product is made for buy there product so they make an advert eye catching and appealing so the person looking or watching that advert buy it.

where you can fined advertisement

bus stop
spam mail

Thursday 20 October 2011


this is what we we edited in photoshop can you see thee is no background. i used the pen to photoshop the background.


this is my before picture and i will photo shop the background out of it

Friday 7 October 2011


i think that generally disabled people are represented in a good way but i really do not like the way they are represnted by T.V and even though thats only a small percentage of media it is enough to create a neggative sterotype, but there are good point and it is good to know that some disabled people are sporting hero's.

section 3 news

lately in the news there has been alot about the paralympic games and i think this is really good because all of these dissabled people are fighting the sterotype that all dissabled people are restricted to sertain non-sporting activities, i think it is unbelieveable that some people can think this eventhough some of the best atheletes are disabled athelets.

i think that we should really promote the paralympics and let more people know about it that way the sterotype wouldn't be as bad against disabled men and women.

i added this link to the paralympics official site just in case this blog post has inspired anyone.

Thursday 6 October 2011

section 2 film

I think films represent disabled people in a good way and this is my reasons.

Avatar- has the character Jake sully, he is in a wheelchair but he is the hero of the movie.
He is convinced to fight the so called enemy’s
and get information on the way they live.
When he finds out why the humans are trying to attack the blue creatures he becomes one and help’s fight them away.   

X men- Xavier in x men is the professor of the school for people with super powers and he keeps the school running and stop’s people from taking the school over and even stops the evil attacker’s.

I think these movies really fight the stereotype on disabled people and show them in a positive way.     

Tuesday 4 October 2011

section 1 T.V

T.V shows- I think T.V shows have a quite negative view on disabled people although some don’t the ones that do really don’t hold back with the jokes or insults.

For my first example the character Timmy who is in most of the episodes is in a wheelchair and can only say Timmy.       

In the episode’s Timmy will usually get
laughed at and is forced to be friends with
the other disabled person called Jimmy.

For my second example I am going to use Jimmy. Jimmy’s legs are broken and he is on crouches and he also has a stutter.

Jimmy doesn’t have many friends
but when he makes a joke and its funny
everyone loves him. He is also
compressed to being friends with

From my research on T.V it shows that disabled people can only truly be friends with other disabled people.   
 This is a bad representaion.

Media representation of disabled people project intro

For this media project I chose to do how disabled people are represented in the media, for example in the T.V, in Films and in the news. I chose disabled people because my cousin is statemented with Autism, ADHD and OCD and it breaks my heart when people laugh at him when he does something he can’t help doing.

Monday 26 September 2011


we did to pictures the first one is of two people being good and the second one is of two people fighting.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

media intrests

i love media especially all of the technology you get to use such as the apple macs.
i also like movies such as: water boy, dont mess with the zohan, scott pilgrim vs the world, kick ass and hot fuzz.
the video games i like are: call of duty, halo, dead island and xbox kinect.
i chose media studies because i love filming and editing things on the macs and basically working on the macs i like media because i did media club in year 8.

media intrests

i love media especially all of the technology you get to use such as the apple macs.
i also like movies such as: water boy, dont mess with the zohan, scott pilgrim vs the world, kick ass and hot fuzz.
the video games i like are: call of duty, halo, dead island and xbox kinect.
i chose media studies because i love filming and editing things on the macs and basically working on the macs i like media because i did media club in year 8.
